Kippu-iri of Gion Matsuri (July 1st-18th, 2024)

Kippu-iri of Gion Matsuri

The information of Kippu-iri is presented here. Kippu-iri is held every year from July 1st to July 18th. However, the schedule varies by yamahoko-cho and other locations. Kippu-iri means the beginning of a Shinto ritual, and meetings are held at the yamahoko-cho and other locations to discuss the year’s Gion Matsuri Festival. Yamahoko-cho also enshrines the deity figure (Goshintai) and receives purification from the priests of Yasaka Shrine to pray for the safety of Gion Matsuri Festival.

【Kippu-iri 2024 Schedule (confirmation required)】

Kippu-iri 2024 will be held from Monday, July 1st to Thursday, July 18th, 2024. However, the schedule varies by yamahoko-cho and other locations. By the way, Kippu-iri of Naginatahoko-cho will be held on July 5th. (Kippu-iri is usually closed to the public.)
●Gion Matsuri Festival 2024 will start on July 1st, 2024 and end on July 31st, 2024.
Gion Matsuri Festival Schedule (July 1st-31st)

【Yamahoko Map (Former Festival) by Google Maps】

Yamaboko floats of Former Festival are Naginata Hoko, Yamabushi Yama, Hakurakuten Yama, Ashikari Yama, Kanko Hoko, Kakkyo Yama, Shijokasa Hoko, Tokusa Yama, Niwatori Hoko, Aburatenjin Yama, Moso Yama, Araretenjin Yama, Kikusui Hoko, Hosho Yama, Ayakasa Hoko, Taishi Yama, Tsuki Hoko, Hakuga Yama, Toro Yama, Urade Yama, Hoka Hoko, Iwato Yama and Fune Hoko

【Yamahoko Map (Latter Festival) by Google Maps】

Yamaboko floats of Latter Festival are Hashibenkei Yama, Minamikannon Yama, Jomyo Yama, Hachiman Yama, Koi Yama, Kitakannon Yama, Kuronushi Yama, Ennogyoja Yama, Suzuka Yama, Taka Yama and Ofune Hoko

【Kippu-iri of Gion Matsuri brief overview】

Kippu-iri (吉符入) of Gion Matsuri Festival (祇園祭) is held every year from July 1st to July 18th. However, the schedule varies by yamahoko-cho and other locations. Kippu-iri is the first event of Gion Matsuri Festival, which is held during the month of July (July 1st to July 31st). Kippu-iri means the beginning of a Shinto ritual, and meetings are held at the yamahoko-cho and other locations to discuss the year’s Gion Matsuri Festival. Yamahoko-cho also enshrines the deity figure (Goshintai) and receives purification from the priests of Yasaka Shrine to pray for the safety of Gion Matsuri Festival. By the way, in yamahoko-cho, after Kippu-iri is completed, Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music), also known as “Konchikichin”, is practiced from that night on the second floor of the kaisho (meeting hall). (Nikai-bayashi)
Kippu-iri of Naginatahoko-cho, which lead Former Festival Yamahoko-Junko, is held on July 5th. In Naginatahoko-cho, Kippu with the names of Chigo (Iki-Chigo) and two Kamuro who assist Chigo is enshrined in front of the god. Afterwards, Chigo first performs Chigo-mai (Taihei-no-mai) in front of the people involved, and once approval is obtained, the second floor of the kaisho (meeting hall) is used as Naginata Hoko (Naginata Boko) float and Chigomai (Taihei-no-mai) is performed to the public.
Kippu-iri of Miyamoto-gumi, which performs important rituals during Shinko-sai and Kanko-sai of Gion Matsuri Festival, is held on July 1st. In Miyamoto-gumi, the person in charge of holding the chokuban (imperial tablet), spear, shield, bow, arrow, sword, koto, etc. is determined by drawing lots. Miyamoto-gumi serve in 26 events over 11 days, including Shinyou-sui Kiyoharai-shiki and Mikoshi-arai on July 10th and 28th, and Hanagasa-Junko on July 24th.

★In the Edo period (1603-1868), Kippu-iri was held on May 20th of the lunar calendar and the town official Shiza-no-zoshiki, who was in charge of police work under the Kyoto Shoshi-dai (Kyoto Government Office), held a meeting with the priests of Yasaka Shrine and instructed the officials of Naginatahoko-cho and Kankohoko-cho to hold the Gion Festival in the same manner as in the past. The four families of Shiza-no-zoshiki are Igarashi (northwest), Ogino (northeast), Matsumura (southwest), and Matsuo (southeast). Before the Meiji Restoration, Shinko-sai and Former Festival Yamahoko-Junko were held on June 7th of the lunar calendar, and Kanko-sai and Latter Festival Yamahoko-Junko were held on June 14th of the lunar calendar, but after the Meiji Restoration, Shinko-sai and Former Festival Yamahoko-Junko were held on July 14th of the new calendar, and Kanko-sai and Latter Festival Yamahoko-Junko were held on July 24th of the new calendar.

【Gion Matsuri Festival brief overview】

Gion Matsuri Festival (Gion Festival, 祇園祭) is said to have its origins in Gion Goryoe (祇園御霊会), which was held in 869. In 869, an epidemic spread throughout the country, and the curse of Gozutenno was said to be the cause, and at Gion Goryoe, Urabe no Hiramaro erected 66 hoko (spears), the same number as the country, in Shinsen-en, and transferred evil spirits to the spears to purify them, and Gozutenno, who is said to be the incarnation of Yakushi Nyorai, is enshrined, and sent three mikoshi (portable shrines) from Yasaka Shrine, whose main deity is Gozutenno, to pray for the expulsion of sickness and disease.

【Kippu-iri of Gion Matsuri remarks】
*Events may be rescheduled or cancelled. Also, the content of the event may have changed.

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