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- Byoubu-matsuri of Gion Matsuri (July 21st-23rd, 2024)
Byoubu-matsuri of Gion Matsuri (July 21st-23rd, 2024)
Byoubu-matsuri of Gion Matsuri
The information of Byoubu-matsuri is presented here. Byoubu-matsuri is held every year from July 21st to July 23rd. However, the dates may vary. In Byoubu-matsuri, old houses and long-established shops in yamahoko-cho (yamahoko towns) display byoubu (folding screens), calligraphy, furniture, arts and crafts, and other precious heirlooms, and then remove the lattices of the houses, etc., to show them to passersby enjoying Latter Festival Yoiyama.
【Byoubu-matsuri Schedule 2024 (confirmation required)】
Byoubu-matsuri 2024 will be held from Sunday, July 21st to Tuesday, July 23rd 2024. However, the dates may vary.
●Gion Matsuri Festival 2024 will start on July 1st, 2024 and end on July 31st, 2024.
Gion Matsuri Festival Schedule (July 1st-31st)
【Byoubu-matsuri map & access】
Address: Shimogyo-ku and Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
Access (How to get there): Subway Shijo Station, Hankyu Karasuma Station
【Byoubu-matsuri of Gion Matsuri brief overview】
Byoubu-matsuri (祇園祭屏風祭(後祭)) of Gion Matsuri Festival (祇園祭) is held every year from July 21st to July 23rd during Latter Festival Yoiyama period. In Byoubu-matsuri, old houses and long-established shops in yamahoko-cho (yamahoko towns) display byoubu (folding screens), shoga (calligraphy), furniture, arts and crafts, and other precious heirlooms, and then remove the lattices of the houses, etc., to show them to passersby enjoying Latter Festival Yoiyama. It is said that the origin of Byoubu-matsuri comes from the fact that old houses and long-established shops used to display Byoubu (folding screens). By the way, Byoubu-matsuri is also said to be a walking museum, while Yamahoko-Junko (Float Procession, Yamaboko Parade) is said to be a moving museum. There is a fee for this service and it is subject to change or cancellation. (Confirmation required) In addition, during Latter Festival Yoiyama, you can walk around yamahoko-cho (yamahoko towns) and buy chimaki and collect the red seal (Goshuin stamp). By the way, you can also enjoy Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) that is played in the evenings at Yamahoko floats that have Hayashi-kata (music group). The number of Yamahoko floats of Latter Festival is 11, less than half of 23 Yamahoko floats of Former Festival, and Yamahoko floats of Latter Festival are more concentrated than those of Former Festival, so it is recommended to enjoy Byoubu-matsuri while visiting all Yamahoko floats.
●Hachiku-an (former Kawasaki family residence) : near Hachiman Yama (340 Sanjo-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
●Kondaya Genbei : near Kuronushi Yama (487 Eboshiya-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
●Fujii Shibori : near Kitakannon Yama (365 Rokkaku-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
●Chiso : near Kuronushi Yama (80 Okura-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
●Shinoda Shoji : near Hachiman Yama (330 Sanjo-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
●Noda family residence : near Kitakannon Yama (Rokkaku-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
●Yoshida family residence (Kyoto Seikatsu Kogeikan Mumei-sha) : near Kitakannon Yama (363 Rokkaku-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
●Chiume : near Hachiman Yama (338 Sanjo-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
●Okui Shoten : near Hachiman Yama (349-1 Sanjo-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
●Dainichi family residence (Dainichi Corporation) : near Hachiman Yama (337 Sanjo-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
●Yamamoto Jin Shoten : near Koi Yama (2849 Takoyakuchi-cho, Nakagyo-ku)
★Byoubu-matsuri is said to have been held since the Edo period (1603-1868) and to have become established during the Meiji period (1868-1912). However, it is said to be less common today than in the past. It is said that Uemura Shoen (1875-1949), a female painter from Kyoto and the first female recipient of the Order of Cultural Merit, went to Byoubu-matsuri and repeatedly copied the paintings in her Shukuzu-cho (miniature drawing book), thereby honing her skills.
★Chiso Gallery is located on the second floor of the headquarters building of Chiso Corporation, a traditional Kyoto yuzen manufacturer founded in 1555. Chiso Corporation owns about 20,000 items, including dyed and woven goods, paintings, and books, which are exhibited in the Chiso Gallery. The collection includes “Hozugawa Byobu (Important Cultural Property)” painted by Maruyama Okyo.
【Byoubu-matsuri of Gion Matsuri remarks】
*Events may be rescheduled or cancelled. Also, the content of the event may have changed.