Nikai-bayashi of Gion Matsuri (July 1st-, 2024)

Nikai-bayashi of Gion Matsuri

The information of Nikai-bayashi is presented here. Nikai-bayashi is held every year starting on July 1st. However, the schedule varies by yamahoko-cho (yamahoko towns). Nikai-bayashi is the practice of Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) that is held on the second floor of the kaisho (meeting hall) in yamahoko-cho on the night of Kippu-iri of Gion Matsuri Festival. Nigai-bayashi is not performed in every yamahoko-cho, but only in yamahoko-cho where there is Hayashi-kata (music group).

【Nikai-bayashi 2024 Schedule (confirmation required)】

Nikai-bayashi 2024 will be held from the evening of Monday, July 1st, 2024. However, the schedule will vary depending on yamahoko-cho (yamahoko towns).
●Gion Matsuri Festival 2024 will start on July 1st, 2024 and end on July 31st, 2024.
Gion Matsuri Festival Schedule (July 1st-31st)

【Yamahoko Map (Former Festival) by Google Maps】

Yamaboko floats of Former Festival are Naginata Hoko, Yamabushi Yama, Hakurakuten Yama, Ashikari Yama, Kanko Hoko, Kakkyo Yama, Shijokasa Hoko, Tokusa Yama, Niwatori Hoko, Aburatenjin Yama, Moso Yama, Araretenjin Yama, Kikusui Hoko, Hosho Yama, Ayakasa Hoko, Taishi Yama, Tsuki Hoko, Hakuga Yama, Toro Yama, Urade Yama, Hoka Hoko, Iwato Yama and Fune Hoko

【Yamahoko Map (Latter Festival) by Google Maps】

Yamaboko floats of Latter Festival are Hashibenkei Yama, Minamikannon Yama, Jomyo Yama, Hachiman Yama, Koi Yama, Kitakannon Yama, Kuronushi Yama, Ennogyoja Yama, Suzuka Yama, Taka Yama and Ofune Hoko

【Nikai-bayashi of Gion Matsuri brief overview】

Nikai-bayashi (二階囃子) of Gion Matsuri Festival (祇園祭) is held every year starting on July 1st. However, the schedule varies by yamahoko-cho (yamahoko towns). Nikai-bayashi is the practice of Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music), which is held on the second floor of the kaisho (meeting hall) in yamahoko-cho on the night of Kippu-iri of Gion Matsuri Festival. By the way, Kippu-iri is the first event of Gion Matsuri Festival, which is held over the month of July, and is a meeting related to Gion Matsuri Festival.
Nigai-bayashi is not performed in every yamahoko-cho (yamahoko towns), but only in yamahoko-cho where there is Hayashi-kata (music group). Former Festival is held in Naginata Hoko, Kanko Hoko, Kikusui Hoko, Niwatori Hoko, Tsuki Hoko, Hoka Hoko, Fune Hoko, Iwato Yama, Ayakasa Hoko and Shijokasa Hoko, and Latter Festival in Kitakannon Yama, Minamikannon Yama, Ofune Hoko, and Taka Yama. (In some cases, there is no Nikai-bayashi even if there is Hayashi-kata (music group).) In addition, in some yamahoko-cho, Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) is practiced before July.

★Dates and times in 2023 (Dates and times are subject to change or cancellation without notice.)
●Naginata Hoko : July 1st-4th, 6th, 7th (19:00-21:30)
●Kanko Hoko : July 1st (16:30-19:00), 2nd-8th (19:00-21:00)
●Niwatori Hoko : July 1st-9th (19:00-22:00)
●Kikusui Hoko : July 2nd-8th (18:30-21:00)
●Tsuki Hoko : July 2nd-8th (18:00~21:00)
●Hoka Hoko : July 1st-3rd (19:00-21:30), 5th-7th (19:30-21:30)
●Fune Hoko : July 3rd-9th (19:00-21:00)
●Iwato Yama : July 1st-6th (19:30-21:30), 7th (19:30-21:00)

●Kitakannon Yama : July 1st-6th (19:00-21:00)
●Minamikannon Yama : July 1st-3rd, 5th~7th (19:30-21:30)
●Ofune Hoko : July 5th-11th (19:00-21:00)
●Taka Yama : July 5th-10th (19:00-21:00)

★It is said that Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) was first performed at Gion Matsuri Festival in the late Muromachi period (1333-1568), based on Nohgaku (Sarugaku (Noh and Kyogen)), and was refined into its present form in the Edo period (1603-1868). Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) is composed of suri-kane (gongs), fue (flutes), and shime-taiko (drums). Some parts of Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) are common to yamahoko-cho (yamahoko town), but most of them are unique to each yamahoko-cho (yamahoko town).Incidentally, Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) is also affectionately known as “Konchikichin”. It is said that the lively Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) played at Gion Matsuri Festival has the function of luring and attracting evil spirits, believed to be the source of plague, and bringing them back to yamahoko-cho (yamahoko town) to be sealed in a storehouse.

【Nikai-bayashi of Gion Matsuri remarks】
*Events may be rescheduled or cancelled. Also, the content of the event may have changed.


  1. 錦市場(Nishiki Market)
  2. 竹林の道(Bamboo Forest Path)
  3. 嵐山