Jingo-ji Temple (Wake-no-Kiyomaro,location,history)

Jingo-ji Temple, Wake-no-Kiyomaro

The information about Jingo-ji Temple is presented here. Wake-no-Kiyomaro, who founded Jingan-ji Temple and Takaosan-ji Temple, the origin of Jingo-ji Temple, protected the imperial lineage during the Usa Hachimangu Shintaku Jiken (incident). At Jingo-ji Temple, Wake-ko Reibyo (Mausoleum of Wake-no-Kiyomaro) was rebuilt in 1934 with contributions from Yamaguchi Gendo and designed by Yasui Yujiro. Goou Zenshindo was built on the site where Wake-ko Reibyo (Mausoleum of Wake-no-Kiyomaro) was built, but in 1886, by order of the 122nd Emperor Meiji, Goo Zenshindo was moved to the vicinity of the Hamagurigomon gate of the Kyoto Imperial Garden as Goou Shrine.

【Jingo-ji Temple Location Map & Directions】

Address: 5 Umegahata Takao-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
Access (How to get there): Takao bus stop (about 20 minutes on foot)

【Opening Hours & Closed (confirmation required)】

Opening Hours: 9:00-16:00
Closed: open year round

【Entrance Fees & Tickets (confirmation required)】

Individual: Adults 500 yen, Elementary School Students 200 yen

【Jingo-ji Temple History】

Of the two temples that are the origin of Jingo-ji Temple (神護寺), it is said that Jingan-ji Temple (神願寺) was founded in 781 by Wake-no-Kiyomaro in Kawachi (Osaka) to pray for the safety of the nation. Jingan-ji Temple was a jogakuji temple, but the place where Jingan-ji Temple was built is not clear because there are no reliable documents. When Wake-no-Kiyomaro asked the oracle of Usa Hachiman-no-Okami, Usa Hachiman-no-Okami said, “Copy the Issai-kyo (sutras), make the Buddhist statue, recite the Saishoou-kyo (sutras), build the temple complex, and pray for the well-being of all generations,” and founded Jingo-ji Temple to fulfill his wishes, and the name of Jingo-ji Temple is derived from this. Of the two temples that are the origin of Jingo-ji Temple, Takaosan-ji Temple (高雄山寺) is said to have been founded by Wake-no-Kiyomaro as a private temple in Yamashiro (Kyoto) at the same time that Jingan-ji Temple was founded. Together with Hakuun-ji Temple, Tsukinowa-dera Temple (Gatsurin-ji Temple), Nichirin-ji Temple, and Denho-ji Temple, Takaosan-ji Temple was known as Atago Goji (Atago Gobo). Of Atago Goji (Atago Gobo), only Takaosan-ji Temple, now renamed Jingo-ji Temple, and Tsukinowa-dera Temple (Gatsurin-ji Temple) remain today. In the area around Mt. Atago-san, a dojo (training center) was established with Keishun, a monk from Daian-ji Temple in Nara, as honganshu and Wake-no-Kiyomaro as bugyo. When Wake-no-Kiyomaro died in 799, his tomb was built on the grounds of Takaosan-ji Temple, and the character of the Waki clan as a bodhi temple was strengthened. In 802, Wake-no-Matsuna, the 5th son of Wake-no-Kiyomaro, and Wake-no-Nakayo, the 6th son, held the third memorial service for their aunt, Wake-no-Hiromushi, at Takaosan-ji Temple, and asked Dengyo-daishi Saicho, the founder of the Tendai sect who practiced at Mt. Hiei-zan, to give a lecture on the Hokke-kyo (Lotus Sutra). In 805, Dengyo-daishi Saicho returned from China, where he had been sent as an envoy to the Kentoshi, and established Kanchodan at Takaosan-ji Temple. In 809, Kobo-daishi Kukai, the founder of the Shingon sect entered Takaosan-ji Temple. Jingo-ji Temple was founded in 824 at the request of Wake-no-Matsuna and Wake-no-Nakayo, when Jingan-ji Temple and Takaosan-ji Temple, both associated with the Waki clan, were united and renamed Jingokokuso Shingon-ji Temple. Later, Jingo-ji Temple was listed as a jogakuji temple. Jingo-ji Temple was commissioned by Kobo-daishi Kukai and became a temple of the Shingon sect. When Kobo-daishi Kukai died in Koya-san (Wakayama) in 835, Shinzei succeeded him and built the temple complex of Jingo-ji Temple. Jingo-ji Temple was hit by a fire in 994 and in 1149. It is said that Jingo-ji Temple was completely destroyed by the anger of the 74th Emperor Toba, and the main statue of Yakushi Nyorai was in a terrible state of being exposed to the elements. In 1168, Mongaku (Endo Morito) built a hermitage, built Yakushido, and housed the main statue of Yakushi Nyorai. Mongaku also built Noryoden on the site of Kobo-daishi Kukai’s residence and rebuilt Fudodo and other temple buildings. In 1173, Mongaku was exiled to Izu (Shizuoka) because Mongaku forced the 77th Emperor Go-Shirakawa to donate a manor to Jingo-ji Temple, and was later forgiven for urging Minamoto no Yoritomo, the 1st shogun of the Kamakura shogunate, to overthrow the Heishi clan. In 1182, Mongaku again appealed directly to Emperor Go-Shirakawa, who donated the manor and resumed the rebuilding of Jingo-ji Temple. In 1190, Emperor Go-Shirakawa visited Jingo-ji Temple. In 1202, Mongaku was exiled to Sado (Nigata) by the 82nd Emperor Go-Toba and later returned to Jingo-ji Temple, but in 1204, Mongaku was exiled again to Tsushima (Nagasaki) and died there in 1205. It is said that Jingo-ji Temple was burned down during the Onin War (1467-1477) in the middle of the Muromachi period (1336-1573). It is said that Jingo-ji Temple became a branch temple of Ninna-ji Temple during the Bunmei period (1469-1487). During the Tennmon period (1532-1555), the entire temple complex of Jingo-ji Temple was destroyed by a military fire. In the Tensho period (1573-1592), Toyotomi Hideyoshi donated the temple territory to Jingo-ji Temple. In 1601, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the 1st shogun of the Edo Shogunate, returned 1,500 chobo of the old temple territory to Jingo-ji Temple. In 1615, Ryugan-shonin entered Jingo-ji Temple, and Itakura Katsushige, the Kyoto Shoshidai who had taken refuge with Ryugan-shonin, became a bugyo and began to revive Jingo-ji Temple. In the middle of the Edo period (1603-1868), Jingo-ji Temple was revived with 7 do (halls), 9 branch temples, and 15 sobo (monks’ quarters). After the Meiji Restoration, due to the Haibutsu Kishaku, the temple territory of Jingo-ji Temple was divided and dismantled, and 9 branch temples and 15 sobo (monks’ quarters) were lost. In 1935, the present Kondo, Taho-to (pagoda), and other buildings were reconstructed with donations from Yamaguchi Gendo, and the old temple buildings were also restored. In 1952, a part of the temple territory was returned by the government as the precincts of the temple.
*reference・・・Jingo-ji Temple website

【Jingo-ji Temple Highlights (May be undisclosed)】

★Taishido (大師堂, Important Cultural Property) was rebuilt during the Aduchi Momoyama period (1573-1614) by Hosokawa Tadaoki (Hosokawa Sansai), the 1st lord of the Kokura-han (domain) in Buzen Province. Taishido was built on the site of the residence of Kobo-daishi Kukai, the founder of the Shingon sect. Taishido houses the board-carved statue of Kobo-daishi Kukai, which is a hidden Buddha.
★Kondo (金堂) was rebuilt in 1934 with a donation from Yamaguchi Gendo and designed by Yasui Yujiro. Kondo is Hondo (main hall) of Jingo-ji Temple and the largest temple building in Jingo-ji Temple. Kondo houses the main statue of Yakushi Nyorai. Kondo also houses the statues of Nikko Bosatsu, Gakko Bosatsu, Juni Shinsho and Shitenno.
★Taho-to (Taho Pagoda, 多宝塔) was rebuilt in 1934 with a donation from Yamaguchi Gendo and designed by Yasui Yujiro. Taho-to houses the statue of Godai Kokuzo Bosatsu. Godai Kokuzo Bosatsu are housed in a horizontal row in the following order, from right to left: Hoko Kokuzo Bosatsu, Renge Kokuzo Bosatsu, Hokai Kokuzo Bosatsu, Goyo Kokuzo Bosatsu and Kongo Kokuzo Bosatsu.
神護寺見どころ (Jingo-ji Temple Highlights)

【Events (confirmation required)】

★Jiho Mushibarai-gyoji (寺宝虫払行事) is held every spring. During Jiho Mushibarai-gyojit, the statues of Minamoto no Yoritomo, Taira no Shigemori, Shaka Nyorai, etc., which are national treasures, are displayed in Shoin. Kancho-no-niwa, the stone garden in Shoin, is also open to the public.

【Flower Calendar (cherry blossoms, etc )】

★The best time to see cherry blossoms (桜) is around mid-April. Weeping cherry trees, Yama-zakura and others are planted, and it is said that the scenery of the cherry blossoms, Ro-mon Gate, Kondo, Godaido, Taho-to and the approach (stone steps) is beautiful. You can also see rhododendrons.
★The best time to see autumn leaves (紅葉) is from early November to mid-November. About 3,000 maple trees are distributed, and it is said that the scenery of the autumn leaves, the approach leading to Ro-mon and the stone steps in front of Kondo is beautiful. Some of the trees are said to be over 500 years old.
(The best time to see the plants depends on the climate of the year.)

【Telephone (Please refrain from making phone calls.)】

Tel: +81-75-771-5725

【Recommended Walking Route】

The recommended walking route from Jingo-ji Temple is the route that goes to Kozan-ji Temple (Kosan-ji Temple) via Saimyo-ji Temple. Jingo-ji Temple, Saimyo-ji Temple, and Kozan-ji Temple (Kosan-ji Temple) are all famous fall foliage spots, and you can enjoy spectacular views during the fall foliage season.

【Remarks(access, parking, disclaimer, etc)】
If you plan to visit Jingo-ji Temple, be sure to check the latest information.


  1. 錦市場(Nishiki Market)
  2. 竹林の道(Bamboo Forest Path)
  3. 嵐山