Ofune Hoko of Gion Matsuri Festival

Ofune Hoko of Gion Matsuri Festival

The information of Ofune Hoko (Ofune Boko) is presented here. Ofune Hoko is a large boat-shaped Yamahoko float (Fune float). The only boat-shaped Yamahoko floats are Ofune Hoko and Fune Hoko, and Ofune Hoko is one size larger than Fune Hoko. Ofune Hoko is said to be “Gaisen no Funehoko (Funehoko of Triumph)” and Fune Hoko is said to be “Shutsujin no Funehoko (Funehoko of Departure)”. Hayashi-kata (music group) playing Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) board Ofune Hoko during Latter Festival Yamahoko-Junko (Float Procession, Yamaboko Parade).

【Ofune Hoko Location Map & Directions】

Address: Shijo-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
Access (How to get there): Subway Shijo Station (about 6 minutes on foot), Hankyu Karasuma Station (about 5 minutes on foot)
Location: Ofune Hoko Yama is located on Shinmachi-dori, about 60 meters south of the intersection of Shinmachi-dori (north-south) and Shijo-dori (east-west).

【Ofune Hoko (Ofune Boko) History and Brief Overview】

The origin of Ofune Hoko (大船鉾) is not clear. According to the “Gionshaki”, Ofune Hoko was founded in 1441 in the middle of the Muromachi period (1336-1573). According to the “Yasutomiki”, Ofune Hoko was founded in 1422. Furthermore, in the “Gionshaki”, which describes the names of Yamahoko floats and places in the middle of the Muromachi period before the Onin War (1467-1477), Ofune Hoko is written as “Shinkukuwaukuu Fune しんくくわうくう舟 (between Shinmachi-dori Shijo and Ayanokoji)”. In 1788, during the late Edo period (1603-1868), Ofune Hoko was burned down in the Tenmei-no-taika (Great Fire of Tenmei), leaving behind the shinmen (mask) of Empress Jingu. In 1804, Ofune Hoko was rebuilt as a more luxurious Yamahoko float than before, but at the end of the Edo period in 1864, most of the wood was burned in the Genji-no-taika (Great Fire of Genji), and after that, Ofune Hoko became a Yasumiyama float (Resting Yamahoko Float) and held an imatsuri (festival) that couldn’t parade in Yamahoko-Junko (Float Procession, Yamaboko Parade), to decorate the kesohin (decoration). In 1995, the imatsuri (festival) was suspended and only Shinto rituals were held, but in 1997, Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) of Yoiyama was revived, and in 2006, the kazariseki (decorative seating was revived. In 2012, Ofune Hoko was paraded as the karabitsu procession in which the shinmen (mask) of Empress Jingu was placed in a karabitsu in Latter Festival Yamahoko-Junko (Float Procession, Yamaboko Parade), and in 2014, Ofune Hoko returned to Latter Festival Yamahoko-Junko for the first time in 150 years. Ofune Hoko used to be called “Gaisen no Funehoko (Funehoko of Triumph)”, but it was changed to “Ofune Hoko”, when South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan visited Japan. The name “Ofune Hoko” is derived from “Ofuna”, which is described in the “Gionshaki”.

★Ofune Hoko is derived from the story of the “Sankan Seibatsu (Conquest of the Three Kans)” of the pregnant Empress Jingu. Empress Jingu is said to have been the empress of the 14th Emperor Chuai. When the 14th Emperor Chuai went to Kyushu to defeat the Kumaso and died suddenly at Kashigu Palace in Tsukushi (Fukuoka), Empress Jingu who accompanied him is said to have made an expedition to Shiragi despite being pregnant, subdued Shiragi without a fight, and returned to Tsukushi (Fukuoka) to give birth to the 15th Emperor Ojin without incident. It is said that during the “Sankan Seibatsu (Conquest of the Three Kans), Kudara and Kokuri, in addition to Shiragi, promised to pay tribute to Japan as well as Shiragi. Ofune Hoko is said to be “Gaisen no Funehoko (Funehoko of Triumph)” because it is a return trip from Shiragi expedition, while Fune Hoko is said to be “Shutsujin no Funehoko (Funehoko of Departure)”.
★Empress Jingu was the empress of the 14th Emperor Chuai. Her father was Okinaganosukune-no-mikoto, the great-great-grandson of the 9th Emperor Kaika, and her mother was Kazuraginotakanukahime, the great-great-granddaughter of Amenohiboko, who came to Tajima (Hyogo Prefecture) from Shiragi. After the death of the 14th Emperor Chuai, Empress Jingu served as regent from 201 to 269, and conducted political affairs such as the Sankan Seibatsu (Conquest of the Three Kans). Empress Jingu also suppressed and eliminated a rebellion by Prince Kagosaka no mikoto and Prince Oshikuma no mikoto, the 1st and 2nd sons of the 14th Emperor Chuai, after the birth of the 15th Emperor Ojin.
*reference・・・Ofune Hoko website

【Features (subject to change)】

★Ofune Hoko is about 6.35 meters high, 7.47 meters long, 3.25 meters wide, and has a minimum turning radius of 5.29 meters.
★The wooden parts of the body of the Ofune Hoko were made by the donation of the Kyoto Junior Chamber of Commerce, the yakata (house) of the boat was made by the donation of the Kyoto Lions Club, the deck and bow ranbuchi were made by the donation of Kuronushi Yama Preservation Society, and the rope held by Ondo-tori was made by the donation of Gishinkai. In addition, the wheels and axles were inherited from the Kikusui Hoko Preservation Society.
★Empress Jingu is enshrined in the center of the yakata (house), Sumiyoshi Myojin in the front of the yakata (house), Kashima Myojin in the stern, and Azumi no Isora, the god of the sea, in the bow. The statue of Empress Jingu of Ofune Hoko is dressed in a kariginu, while the statue of Empress Jingu of Fune Hoko is dressed in a scarlet armor with a the shinmen (mask).
★The mae-kake and ato-kake are the tsudurenishiki with the cloud-dragon and blue-sea patterns on a red ground. The ten-mizuhiki was made during the Bunka Bunsei era (1804-1829) in the late Edo period (1603-1868), and the rasa for the do-maku was made in Portugal in the 16th century.
★Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) of Ofune Hoko includes “Watari”, “Watari-age”, “Kagura”, “Kagura-age”, “Karako”, “Gaisen (Karako-age)”, “Modoribayashi”, “Hiyorikagura”, and others.
★Chimaki, which has the benefit of safe childbirth, belly bands, hand towels, sensu (fans), postcards, etc., are available for purchase. The purchase of chimaki and other items may allow you to board Ofune Hoko. (Confirmation required)

【Events (confirmation required)】

★In Latter Festival Yamahoko-hikizome on July 20th, newly assembled Ofune Hoko is pulled a short distance, just as in the actual Latter Festival Yamahoko-Junko on July 24th.
★In Latter Festival Yoiyama from July 21st to July 23rd, Komagata-chochin lanterns of Ofune Hoko are lit and Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music) is played in the evening.
★In Hiyori-Kagura on July 23rd, Hayashi-kata (music group) of Ofune Hoko go to Yasaka Shrine Otabisho while playing Gion-bayashi (Gion Matsuri music), and dedicate Gion-bayashi to pray for good weather on the next day, and for the safety of Latter Festival Yamahoko-Junko (Float Procession, Yamaboko Parade).
★In Latter Festival Yamahoko-Junko (Float Procession, Yamaboko Parade) on July 24th, Yamahoko floats, including Ofune Hoko depart from Karasuma-Oike and parade along Oike-dori, Kawaramachi-dori, and Shijo-dori. Ofune Hoko is kuji-torazu (without drawing lots), and is the 11th last float in the procession of Latter Festival Yamahoko-Junko, and Tsuji-mawashi (turning of streets) is performed at the intersection.

【Ofune Hoko of Gion Matsuri remarks】
*Events may be rescheduled or cancelled. Also, the content of the event may have changed.


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